Chima Dimgba

 Chima Dimgba is a counselor in training who is currently completing her Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Johns Hopkins University and is set to graduate May 2024. Chima earned her Bachelor’s in Psychology from Middlebury College. Chima is certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, with interests in helping a diverse range of clients overcome their challenges while cultivating inner compassion and resiliency. Chima has previous experience working with children, adolescents and adult populations and is interested in individual, couple, and family counseling. Chima’s individual passions include mindfulness meditation, spending time outdoors, and fostering self-care practices.

Client population: 10 years or older | Individual therapy via telehealth

Competency: Anxiety, Depression, Mindfulness exercises

Cost:  $105 for initial assessment & $75 per session without insurance